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OSME Bulletin 31
Autumn 1993
All records in this Bulletin are subject to acceptance by the
relevant records committees of the country concerned.
Any articles, announcements or requests to do with birds in the
Middle East are welcome, and may be published free of charge,
subject to the discretion of the Editor. Accompanying photographs
and line-drawings are welcome. Bird names generally follow those
of Birds of the Middle East and North Africa.
Contributions to the next Bulletin should be received by 15
February 1994. They should preferably be double-spaced
and typed. Articles on disk (3.5 or 5.25 inch only please) are
welcome. Please include both formatted and ASCII files and
a paper copy as well.
We are grateful to the following artists for the illustrations
used in this Bulletin:
SM Andrews: Bimaculated Lark 43; Dusky Warbler 46.
A P Benson: Swinhoe's Storm Petrel with Wilson's Petrel 20, 22.
H Welch, courtesy of ‘Phoenix’: Lappet-faced Vulture 3; Lesser Kestrel 8;
Radde's Accentor 48.
M Langman: Caucasian Black Grouse (Cover); Caucasian Black Grouse
14; Caspian Snowcock 16; Golden-winged Grosbeak 27; Pygmy
Cormorant 41.
H Welch: White-throated Bee-eater 42.
We are grateful to the RSPB for the use of the following illustrations:
J Busby: Pochard 12; Short-eared Owl 39; Bewick's Swan 44.
OSME in Southern Yemen
and Socotra
Richard Porter and Rod Martins
From the rocky Red Sea promontory of Bab al-Mendab east to the
wooded monsoon hills of the Mahra; from the unique island of Socotra
north to the ancient Wadi Hadramawt and the desert sands of the Empty
Quarter. This was the setting for OSME’s second expedition which
journeyed to Southern Yemen and Socotra from mid March to mid May
1993. The plan was to complement the work of OSME’s first expedition
which visited the former North Yemen in the autumn of 1985 and in this
respect it was highly successful.
Until twenty or so years ago, little systematic study of the wildlife of
Yemen had been conducted due to difficulty of access both politically
and geographically. Since then such research has increased, albeit slowly.
However it wasn’t until the unification in May 1990 of the former North
Yemen (Yemen Arab Republic) and South Yemen (People’s Democratic
Republic of Yemen) into the Republic of Yemen that the realistic
opportunity of work in the southern part of the country and on the island
of Socotra was opened to OSME.
A brief report of the first two weeks of the survey was given in the Spring
Bulletin but here we are pleased to present a summary of the main
achievements together with some of the ornithological highlights.
Full details will appear in a future volume of Sandgrouse but in the
meantime a 17 page preliminary report has been prepared (Southern
Yemen and Socotra, Spring 1993) and can be obtained from Richard
Porter, OSME, c/o The Lodge, Sandy, Beds. SG19 2DL, UK - price £3
including p & p (cheques payable to OSME please).
Summary of achievements
m@ Systematic surveys of 77 areas of Southern Yemen, recording 266 bird species.
m@ Systematic surveys of 18 areas on Socotra, recording 79 bird species.
@ Two 10-hour surveys by ship on the Gulf of Aden along part of the north coast
of Socotra.
@ Discovery of 4 bird species previously unrecorded in Yemen and 10 species
new to Socotra.
® Collection of data in 64 half-degree squares for the forthcoming Atlas of
Breeding Birds of Arabia.
@ Identification of 16 new areas to be internationally recognised as Important
Bird Areas (IBAs) within the Middle East, based on habitat quality and species
@ Detailed studies of the Arabian Bustard Ardeotis arabs plus 13 south west
Arabian and 5 Socotran bird species of global conservation significance.
& Photographed over 100 bird species and made sound recordings of 55.
@ Made video recordings of selected birds, of other wildlife encountered and of
aspects of the Expedition’s work to be edited into a film for Yemen television.
# Documented the distribution of 5 species of amphibian, 55 species of reptile
and 20 species of mammal.
= Completed the book on Yemen’s birds for children to be distributed by the
Yemen Environmental Protection Council, and coordinated with this organisation
to provide interpretive slide sets and text on Yemen’s birds for future educational
@ Participated with UNICEF in drafting a section about bird life for the
Environment Questionnaire being completed by 2,000 Yemeni youths in June-
July 1993.
But most importantly, the project:
@ Provided the opportunity to work closely witha Yemeni counterpart, Dr Omar
al-Saghier of the Agricultural Research and Extension Authority (AREA), training
him in bird survey and identification techniques and discussing collaboration
over future conservation work in Yemen.
@ Culminated with a presentation to the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr
Abdullah Zabarah, and representatives of AREA and the Environmental
Protection Council during which the importance of Yemen’s birds, their habitats
and the threats to their future survival were discussed. Priority areas for follow-
up action were agreed. This meeting clearly demonstrated the interest and
commitment to the conservation of nature which is emerging in Yemen.
Some ornithological highlights
JOUANIN’S PETREL Bulweria fallax Occurrence established of substantial
numbers off south coast and Socotra.
AUDUBON’S SHEARWATER Puffinus Iherminieri Mahra coast appears to be
important feeding area.
RED-BILLED TROPICBIRD Phaethon aethereus Pairs recorded on Socotra and at
two localities on the south coast where previously unrecorded.
SOCOTRA CORMORANT Phalacrocorax nigrogularis Large feeding flocks
observed off south coast with smaller numbers off Socotra.
BALD IBIS Geronticus eremita No individuals seen but new areas of suitable
wetland habitat discovered in the Ta‘izz area which require further
EGYPTIAN VULTURE Neophron percnopterus Abundant on Socotra, where
Black Kite Milvus migrans is absent as a local breeder. Probably represents
the most significant population in the Middle East.
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LAPPET-FACED VULTURE Torgos tracheliotus Small population (c15)
discovered along the eastern fringe of the Wadi Hadramawt region. A
significant range extension.
GABAR GOSHAWK Micronisus gabar Altitudinal range extension: recorded on
the highland plateau.
SOOTY FALCON Falco concolor One early (mid April) record and another from
the Mahra (in May). No recent observations.
ARABIAN PARTRIDGE Alectoris melanocephala Occurrence down to sea level
throughout almost any habitat established.
HARLEQUIN QUAIL Coturnix delegorguei A pair on the Tihama of northern
Yemen strongly reinforces suspicion that this species breeds.
ARABIAN BUSTARD Ardeotis arabs Continued occurrence established for the
coastal plain west of Aden.
SPOTTED THICK-KNEE Burhinus senegalensis First proved breeding record.
CREAM-COLOURED COURSER Cursorius cursor First record of probable
breeding. Breeding proven on Socotra.
POMARINE SKUA Stercorarius pomarinus Spring passage in substantial
numbers established.
SOOTY GULL Larus hemprichii Importance of south coast as non-breeding area
for very large numbers established.
ROSEATE TERN Sterna dougallii Two or three individuals recorded off Socotra
represent the first record for the island. Not recorded from Yemen.
BRIDLED TERN Sterna anaethetus Very large numbers recorded in Bab al-
Mendab area of southern Red Sea.
OLIVE PIGEON Columba arquatrix Small numbers once more recorded at al-
Mahwit - the only known locality in northern Yemen.
DIDRIC CUCKOO Chrysococcyx caprius Occurrence as a breeding species in
the Mahra established.
KLAAS’S CUCKOO Chrysococcyx klaas One observation was the third known
for Yemen.
AFRICAN SCOPS OWL Otus senegalensis Much commoner, with wider
altitudinal range than previously known.
SPOTTED EAGLE OWL Bubo africanus Occurrence established in the Mahra.
PLAIN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus inornatus Substantial breeding populations
discovered in Juniper forest on Jabal Iraf and on highly arid wadi slopes
within the Wadi Hadramawt region, where clearly common. Only one
previous record from Yemen.
PALLID SWIFT Apus pallidus Substantial passage observed on south coast of
the mainland.
FORBE-WATSON’S SWIFT Apus berliozi Fairly common on Socotra with up to
40 recorded on any one day.
MALACHITE KINGFISHER Alcedo cristata First record of probable breeding
within Yemen, Arabian Peninsula and Asia. Only one previous (historical)
DUNN’S LARK Eremalauda dunni Small apparently breeding population
discovered in desert-steppe between Wadi Hadramawt and Ma’rib. One
previous record.
RUFOUS BUSH ROBIN Cercotrichas galactotes Substantial passage observed.
SOCOTRA WARBLER Incana incana Fairly common in suitable habitat on
Socotra with up to 20 recorded in a day.
AFRICAN PARADISE FLYCATCHER Terpsiphone viridis Altitudinal range as
breeding species extended onto highland plateau (of northern Yemen).
SOCOTRA SUNBIRD Nectarinia balfouri The most widespread of the Socotran
endemics with up to 50 recorded in a day.
SOCOTRA GRACKLE Onychognathus frater Apparently much less common
than the non-endemic Blyth’s Grackle with which it often associated. Up to
16 recorded in a day.
BLYTH’S GRACKLE Onychognathus blythi Fairly common in suitable habitats
on Socotra with up to 110 recorded ina day
SOCOTRA RUFOUS SPARROW Passer motitensis insularis Extremely common
on Socotra with up to 200 recorded in a day.
ARABIAN WAXBILL Estrilda rufibarba Previously undocumented population
discovered in Wadi Hadramawt represents a substantial extension of
known range to the north-east.
ARABIAN SERIN Serinus rothschildi Substantial extensions of known range to
the north-east (in Southern Yemen).
GOLDEN-WINGED GROSBEAK Rhynchostruthus socotranus The Mahra
apparently supports the highest breeding density of this species in Yemen.
In Socotra the local race was found to occur down to near sea-level.
TRUMPETER FINCH Bucanetes githagineus Recorded from Wadi Hadramawt,
the second known locality in Yemen.
SOCOTRA BUNTING Emtberiza socotrana This proved to be the rarest of the
Socotran endemics with only one recorded.
Richard Porter & Rod Martins, OSME, c/o The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire
SG19 2 DL, UK. 4
Turkish Bird Sites needing research
during 1994
Gernant Magnin and Murat Yarar
Over the last couple of years much new information on the Turkish
Important Bird Areas (IBAs) has been gathered and more than 15 new
IBAs identified. However, for some sites there is no up to date information
so DHKDis seeking the assistance of foreign birdwatchers to fill the gaps
in our knowledge and facilitate publication of a revised IBA inventory by
the end of 1994.
The appeal published in Bulletin 30 resulted in good coverage of a
number of sites by visiting birdwatchers and it is to be hoped that during
1994 even more can be achieved. The three articles which follow this list
outline some of the variety of work carried out recently.
Sites listed below are described only briefly and those wishing to receive
more information should contact DHKD who can provide maps for most
areas with indications of the best birdwatching spots. Some sites need to
be visited during the breeding season, others during migration; for some
several days work are required. Extensive surveys involving groups of
birdwatchers are welcomed and often preferable but sometimes require
permission from the Turkish government; this may take several months
to obtain. Please contact DHKD early if you wish to organise a survey
lasting longer than two weeks. Even if you cannot visit sites during the
periods specified, your information will still be of great benefit.
DHKD and the Turkish IBA project will again be financially supporting
a number of expeditions to Turkey. Applications for funding should be
received by 15 December at the latest.
Bird records should be submitted on DHKD’s new Site Recording
Forms. This will greatly facilitate transfer of data to a central computer
database where it can be used to assess and protect sites. Forms can be
obtained from Guy Kirwan, Turkey Officer, OSME, c/o The Lodge,
Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL, UK. OSME members in the Netherlands
can obtain forms from Vincent van den Berk, Noorereind 3a, 4012 BT
Kerk Avezaath, Netherlands.
A final warning: at the time of writing, most of eastern Turkey is ‘off-
limits’ to birdwatchers for safety reasons. Most of the sites described
below are situated in the west and are deemed safe. The last four sites
however, (indicated >) are in what can be called the ‘danger zone’ and
should not be included in any itinerary unless conditions change.
List of sites
(those marked with * were also mentioned in Bulletin 30)
* Longoz forests A large complex of flooded forest on the Black Sea coast, near
the Bulgarian border. White-backed Woodpecker and excellentduring migration.
Required: four day breeding bird study and information from the migration
Kocagay delta (IBA no. 005) Situated on the Marmara Sea east of Bandirma, two
lakes and extensive, partly flooded forests. Required: at least five days coverage
during the first two weeks of June.
Ulubat lake (IBA no. 001) Large lake between Bursa and Bandirma; good marshy
areas along the western and southern shores with breeding Pygmy Cormorant,
Spoonbill etc. Urgently required: a breeding bird survey during late May/June.
Use of boat/canoe crucial.
Marmara lake (IBA no. 041) Lake north-east of Ismir with good breeding
populations of egrets etc. Required: a two day survey during June to confirm the
importance of the site established during 1993 surveys.
Kiictik Menderes delta (IBA no. 040) Small wetland system near Selcuk, south
of Ismir. Required: two to three days during June to establish the importance of
the area.
Gullik marshes (IBA no. 037) Small delta west of Milas, south of Ismir. Most
western site for Pied Kingfisher. Most of the wetland has been converted to
agriculture. Required: a survey (minimum 2 days) during June to reveal how
much of the site’s importance was lost during the conversion.
* Yedigoller National Park Forest area north of Bolu. Little is known about these
forests: similar areas south of Bolu contain five species of woodpecker including
White-backed and Grey-headed. Required: a few days camping and birdwatching
to obtain an idea of the importance of the area.
* Ilgaz mountain range (IBA no. 012) A well-known botanical site but little is
known about its birdlife. Required: a visit during June.
Yesilirmak delta (IBA no. 018) Very large delta on the Black Sea east of Samsun;
largely drained during past decades but 1993 observations indicate that remaining
wetland area may still be of great ornithological importance. Required: a study
of the breeding birds during late May and June.
* Aksehir and Eber lakes (IBA nos. 019 & 022) Two large lakes in western
Anatolia, recent information lacking. Preliminary surveys indicate breeding
Dalmatian Pelican, Pygmy Cormorant, Spoonbill. Both lakes suffer from pollution
and DHKD is campaigning for their preservation. This very large complex of
seemingly endless reedbeds and open water can only be properly investigated
by a team of birdwatchers over a period of weeks. For this permission must be
obtained from Ankara. DHKD would particularly welcome OSME members
taking on this project and should be contacted at an early stage by anyone who
is interested.
Seyfe lake (IBA no. 029) Salt lake north-west of Kayseri with breeding White
Pelican, Greater Flamingo, Slender-billed Gull, Gull-billed Tern. The Turkish
State Waterworks plan to drain part of the area. For accurate conservation action,
more precise information on breeding birds, nesting and feeding areas is crucial.
Required: survey of a minimum of one week, preferably two or three, during
June. Permission has to be obtained so an early application is necessary.
Kulu lake (IBA no. 027) Salt lake 100km south of Ankara. Breeding Ruddy
Shelduck, Slender-billed Gull. Required: a three day survey during June to obtain
information on breeding bird numbers.
* Sultan marshes (IBA no. 030) One of Turkey’s largest and richest inland
wetland areas, relatively well-known but recent estimates of the size of breeding
bird populations are lacking. Required: at least seven days surveying in June.
Permission has to be obtained so an early application is necessary.
* Erzurum plain Newly discovered site just north of Erzurum. 1993 surveys
produced important new data. Required: a three day survey during the second
half of June.
* > Hacli lake Newly discovered lake in east Turkey, situated north of Van lake.
Required: at least three days during lateJ une to obtain an impression of breeding
bird populations.
*> Kuyucuk lake Newly discovered lake east of Kars with hundreds of breeding
Black-necked Grebes and some Red-necked Grebes. Required: a two day breeding
bird survey in June; may also be good during migration.
* > Karli lake A small densely vegetated wetland situated south-east of Kars.
Required: one or two days during (late) June for an initial survey.
* > Igdir plain Large plain in eastern Turkey, north of Mount Ararat. Cattle Egret,
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater and Menetries Warbler found here in 1991 and 1992, well
outside their known range. Required: breeding bird survey during late May/
June. This area is very large and a good means of transport is essential.
Gernant Magnin and Murat Yarar,
c/o DHKD, PK 18, 80810 Bebek-Istanbul, Turkey
OSME is especially pleased to be able to assist the conservation work of
DHKD in this way. We would welcome similar lists of projects suitable
for visiting birdwatchers to undertake from other countries in the region.
Preliminary results from a Lesser
Kestrel survey of Turkey, Spring 1993
Stephen Parr & Murat Yarar
Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni
populations have suffered severe declines
throughout much of their southern European and
Middle Eastern range, principally as a result of
agricultural intensification. Biber (1990) showed that the
only potentially large population outside Spain was in Turkey. This
project’s principal objective was to undertake a provisional estimate of
the Turkish Lesser Kestrel population. As this would involve visiting
large numbers of settlements to count breeding colonies a subsiduary
objective was to count the number of occupied and unoccupied White
Stork Ciconia ciconia nests. |
Previous work by DHKD strongly suggested that the best area for
breeding Lesser Kestrels is the converted steppes of the Central Plateau.
We checked a random sample of 10-km squares throughout this region.
A map of Turkey (produced in 1956: GSGS Edition 1 Map) which had a
10-km grid was used for square selection. Figure 1 shows the distribution
of 100-km squares within which five 10-km squares were randoml
selected, together with the principal natural habitats (Noirfalise 1987).
Where the grid was adjusted to fit the lines of longitude, we selected a
100-km square that included some of the ‘half squares’.
Two teams of two British birdwatchers worked with ten Turkish
ornithologists (mostly students organised through DHKD), spending a
month surveying in teams of three. Within each 10-km square, teams
spent one day checking every potential breeding site (farm, hamlet,
village, town or cliff) and mapping the area.
Summary data for the 100-km squares visited are shown in Table 1.
Extrapolating from our results we estimate the Lesser Kestrel population
of central Turkey at 2,000 - 3,000 pairs. The Turkish Lesser Kestrel
population is thus as important as that in Spain.
Now that baseline data are available, repeat surveys should facilitate
some understanding of population trends. Agricultural intensification,
especially the use of insecticides, is increasing rapidly throughout the
regionand Lesser Kestrel populations may bein declineas aconsequence.
With a rapidly expanding human population, pressure to increase crop
yields in Turkey will remain unstoppable.
We thank British Petroleum (BP) for the award of first prize in the Threatened
Species category of the company’s Conservation Expedition Awards for 1993
and the RSPB and OSME for grants. We also thank Gernant Magnin who
facilitated the survey.
Biber J-P (1990) Action Plan for the Conservation of the Western Lesser Kestrel Falco
naumanni Populations ICBP Study Report No. 41, Cambridge
Noirfalise A (ed) (1987) Map of the natural vegetation of the member countries of the
European Community and the Council of Europe Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Table 1
The number of randomly selected 10-km squares within each 100-km
square in which Lesser Kestrels were present. Five 10-km squares were
surveyed in each 100-km square. See Figure 1 for the location of the 100-
km squares.
100-km square Squares with Lesser Kestrels present
Figure 1
A map of central Turkey showing the distribution of natural vegetation (from
Noirfalise 1987), the 100-km square grid and the twelve survey squares
Black Sea
Mediterranean Sea MM salt-steppe
ME Lakes
Pine forests
Stephen Parr, c/o Countryside Council for Wales, Directorate of Science and
Policy Development, Plas Penrhos, Ffordd Penrhos, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57
Murat Yarar, c/o DHKD, PK18, 80810 Bebek-Istanbul, Turkey
IBA Survey Work 1993
Guy Kirwan
Between 12 May and 9 June 1993 Mick Davies and I collected data for the
Birds of Turkey Project (see Bulletin 30: 17).
Our objectives were:
1 To continue the programme initiated and organised by DHKD of
visiting known Important Bird Areas (and identifying new sites) to
collect data for the forthcoming revised Turkey IBA book, due for
publication in late 1994.
2 To collect data for the BirdLife International Dispersed Species Project
by conducting line transects in a variety of habitats not normally
surveyed by birdwatchers in Turkey.
Fieldwork was concentrated at wetlands around Van Golii, which have
received little systematic coverage, and in the montane forests of the
north east near Ikizdere (Rize province). The following main areas were
visited: Bitlis province - Ahlat Sazligi; Van province - north and south
Van Marshes, Ercek Gélti, Cenge Géliti, Bendimahi Deltasi; Dogubayazit
province - Saz Golu; Mus province - Bulanik; Rize province - Ikizdere,
Ispir and Sivrikaya.
Transport was by bus, dolmus, hitch-hiking or walking. Daily activities
were organised so that 30 minute transect counts could be conducted in
the early moming or evening, to coincide with peaks in bird activity.
Such surveys were often restricted to peripheral habitats - wet grassland,
semi-steppe, cultivated areas, rock outcrops - around the site being
Ornithological observations
Small heronries were found or suspected at most wetland sites, and a
booming Bittern Botaurus stellaris was at Bulanik, apparently a new
locality for this species (Kasparek 1986, Kirwan and Martins in prep). Of
the globally endangered species, Marbled Teal Marmaronettaangustirostris
were seen only at south Van Marshes, where at least 2 pairs were present;
Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus only at Bulanik where breeding
was suspected but unproven; and White-headed Duck Oxyuraleucocephala
was found to be breeding at 3 localities - Cenge Gli, Ercek Gélti and
Bendimahi Deltasi - but appeared to be absent from Van Marshes.
Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca was recorded at Van, Bendimahi and
Saz Golu. Pochard A ferina were widespread but no Red-crested Pochard
Netta rufina were seen.
Impressive concentrations of Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus, plus
display and nest building, were observed at three sites, suggesting that
past estimates of the Turkish population of this species are perhaps too
Little Crake Porzana parva was encountered at 5 sites, with singing males
at 4 of these. These observations, together with those from the Cukurova
Deltas (Nijmeijer 1990) and Hotamis Marshes (Kirwan 1993), suggest
that the species may be a not uncommon breeder in suitable areas and
that its status in Turkey is worthy of revision.
A large Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica colony (at least340 incubating
birds) was found at Bulanik. Of particular interest was a probable colony
of White-winged Black Tern Chlidontias leucopterus at Saz GOlii where
birds were observed persistently visiting one area. However, this was
inaccessible and there remains no proven breeding record of this species
in Turkey.
Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreolla was recorded from all sites visited,
apparently breeding at all bar one. As noted by Andersen et al (1993), the
species appeared to prefer the wettest habitat for breeding and thus
probably went under-recorded. For example, at Saz Golii, singing males
were only located by scanning the relatively distant reedbeds.
Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon was the commonest
Acrocephalus warbler atall sites. Paddyfield Warbler A agricola was found
in three areas; Van Marshes (a well-known locality), at least 10 birds at
Cenge Golti (where the species was first located in 1992) and 2, probably
migrants, at Bulanik.
Interesting observations of extremely scarce species included a Grey-
headed Woodpecker Picus canus in fragmented, deciduous forest above
Alacam - one of several records this spring. Mongolian Trumpeter
Finches Bucanetes mongolicus were seen at two localities; 6, including 2
singing males, at the regular site close to Dogubayazit, and a probable
pair at Tendurek Gegidi, north of Caldiran. This species appears to be
firmly established in eastern Turkey. A Booted Warbler Hippolais caligata
was seen at Ercek Golii.
Transects provided much of the data on passerines, and in eastern
Anatolia it is considered that this technique will provide good baseline
data on breeding densities of such species as Yellow Wagtail Motacilla
flava, Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata, Wheatear Oenanthe
oenanthe, Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia, Crimson-winged Finch
Rhodopechys sanguinea and Corn Bunting Milaria calandra.
My thanks to the Bird Exploration Fund, DHKD and OSME who have sponsored
my work in Turkey during the past 3 years. In addition the following individuals
have been particularly generous and supportive in a variety of ways; Sancar
Baris, Ruth Bimson, Max Kasparek, Gernant Magnin, Uygar Ozesmi, Richard
Porter and Hilary Welch. Mark Cocker, Remco Hofland, Jon Hornbuckle, Neil
and Eleanor MacMahon and Gunnar Sandve provided information on their
recent trips to eastern Turkey.
Andersen G S, Klann M, Sandve G & Tveit B O (1993): A large breeding colony
of Citrine Wagtails in eastern Turkey OSME Bull 30: 27-28
Kasparek M (1986) On the occurence of the Bittern Botaurus stellaris in Turkey
Zool. Middle East 1: 33-41
Kirwan G (1993) The Birds of the Hotamis Marshes Birds of Turkey 9, Kasparek,
Nijmeijer H (ed) (1990) South Turkey Project 1990 - preliminary report WIWO,
Guy Kirwan, 6 Connaught Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 3BP, UK.
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Caucasian Black Grouse and Caspian
Snowcock in north-east Turkey
lan Green
During August 1992 I spent two weeks in the Kackar Daglari, the highest
part of the Pontic Alps, in north-eastern Turkey. The purpose of my visit
was to assess the conservation status and populations of Caucasian
Blackcock Tetrao mlokosiewiczi and Caspian Snowcock Tetraogallus caspius,
together with the extent of available habitat, and the suitability of late
summer as a census period for these two species. I was accompanied by
Owen Mountford, a research botanist from Monk’s Wood Research
Station, and his brother, Alun Mountford.
Travel in the high Kackar is possible only by horseback or on foot. The
nearest tarmac road to our study area was about 60km west but there
were driveable tracks up to Cat and Ayder on the north side and
Altiparmak (Barhal) and Yaylarlar on the south side. Horses and mules
could be hired at Yaylarlar. We travelled from here by mule, departing
on 9th August, to Dilber Diizti, a flattish meadow in a cirque at about
2750m beneath Kackar Tepe. We spent six nights here before moving
north to the next valley at Dupedtiz (campsite at 2700m), on the 15th. We
passed over the divide on the 16th, camping at Karadeniz Gélti (2850m)
for three nights. We returned to Yaylarlar on the 20th before spending
two days at Altiparmak.
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The environment of the Kackar Daglari
The Kackar Daglari is situated on the borders of Artvin, Rize and
Erzurum provinces and is an area of high barren peaks, alpine meadows
and valleys with extensive deciduous and coniferous forests, and small
areas of cultivation in the lower valleys. Our base was located near the
main ridge which runs on a north-east /south—west axis from the Marsis
group north of Altiparmak to Kackar Peak in the south. In this area there
are several peaks higher than 3500m and most of the area lies above
2750m. One of the most significant environmental characteristics of the
area is the remarkably clear climatic division between the north—west
(Black Sea) facing slopes, and those to the south-east of the divide
(hereafter referred to as ‘north’ and ‘south’ facing slopes). The north
facing slopes experience much cloud and rain, even in late summer, and
visibility is often minimal for periods of several days. The cloud develops
on the lower slopes closest to the Black Sea and swiftly extends up the
valleys, usually between mid-morning and mid-day. It is a severe
constraint upon observation-based fieldwork in this region except during
the late summer, and in early mornings. In contrast the south facing
slopes are generally sunny in late summer although sometimes subject
to overspill cloud from the north side and storms can be frequent
although this frequency diminishes as the summer progresses. To the
south of this divide the alpine areas above the tree line (c 2200m) are
characterised by flower-rich meadows and sparsely vegetated rocky
slopes. On the northern slopes, which receive far more precipitation,
forest cover is normal and Rhododendron species comprise the dominant
vegetation at higher altitudes.
Caucasian Black Grouse
In Turkey this species is little known and there are records from only a
small number of sites. Over 90% of records originate from one site: the
mountains above Sivri Kaya on the road from Ispir to Rize. A nest was
found and photographed therein 1991 (J Temple-Lang and Mark Cocker,
Sandgrouse, 1992). Cramp and Simmons (1980) surmise that the species is
‘probably well-distributed in small numbers in the upper levels of (the)
Black Sea coastal range’. The only other observation of this species in
Turkey outside of this area is from the Cam Gecidi, east of Savsat on route
965, in the early 1970’s (Gunther Bauer, pers comm). The species prefers
mountain forest and meadows (from 1500m to 3000m) in the Caucasus,
also favouring Rhododendron thickets and clumps of low willows (Salix)
and birches (Betula) (Cramp and Simmons et al 1980). Observations
indicate that, at least in summer, they are found almost exclusively on
Rhododendron covered slopes.
I was able to map accurately the extent of Rhododendron only for the
south—western quarter of the main Kackar range. Anecdotal information
from local people gave me a reasonable insight into the distribution of
this habitat within the rest of the main range. Enver Lucas (co-author of
Trekking in Turkey, Lonely Planet Guides, 1989) provided much useful
information on Rhododendron distribution, particularly innorthern areas.
Several species of Rhododendron occur in the Pontic Alps: R caucasicum is
dominant and extensively distributed above the treeline up to 3000m,
with R smirnovii and R ungernii also occuring, the latter often along
streamsides. In the areas we surveyed in detail Rhododendron was
distributed as follows:
1 South of the divide, on steep north facing slopes only. Practically none
was found in the valley above or below Dilber Duizti. In Diipediiz, the
next valley to the north, there was significantly more on the steepest
north facing slopes.
2 Most extensively on north or north west facing slopes.
Only one Black Grouse was encountered: an adult male feeding on a
Rhododendron covered slope in the valley below Buyuk Deniz Goélti and
the Kavron Gecidi at about 2700m. Unfortunately, during our stay in
what appeared to be good Black Grouse habitat at Karadeniz Goli,
visibility was less than 10m for over 80% of daylight hours.
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Caspian Snowcock
Ifound this species to be quite common in the Kackar Daglari. Mostbirds
were located from calls. A wide variety are uttered including a loud, far-
carrying Curlew-like call, anumber of bubbling and gurgling calls some
of which can only be heard at close range and a hard ‘chok chok chok’
uttered when disturbed or in flight. Calling commences about half an
hour before dawn, reaching a peak just before sunrise, then declining
rapidly although it may continue intermittently until mid-day. The
Species is most common north of the divide and apparently occurs on the
highest ridges of the south side.
General remarks on habitat and threats
The Kackar Daglari is surprisingly well populated. When approaching
from the forests on either slope, upon reaching the alpine zone above the
tree line summer settlements (yayla) are often encountered. Such summer
villages enable maximum advantage to be made of good pasture at
higher altitudes in mid and late summer, and exacerbate degradation of
Rhododendron through grazing by goats or its destruction to provide
more grazing for cattle herds. Collection of Rhododendron and trees for
fuel is also a significant problem. Davis et al (1978) give an altitude range
of (1830m) 2000m to 3000m for R caucasicum, the dominant species above
the tree line, but the current range appears to be 2400m to 3000m
indicating that there has been severe habitat degradation at lower levels
in the past. Grazing pressure is apparently light in some areas at higher
altitudes, at least in the valleys I looked at, as there were some good
stands of regenerating Rhododendron locally, even in flat areas at about
Hunting of both Black Grouse and Snowcock occurs and I observed one
hunter during the camping stage of the trip, and heard shots on one other
occasion. The remains of a Caspian Snowcock at the camp site at
Karadeniz Golti were beside a fire so the bird had presumably been shot
for food.
Recommendations for future work
A full survey of suitable habitat should be undertaken concentrating on
the northern parts of the range but including valleys on the south side of
the divide. The mountains between the main Kackar range and those of
Sivri Kayaalso presumably hold muchsuitable habitat and their northern
slopes merit investigation as well as the Cam Gecidi (altitude 2640m) to
the east of Savsat and the Yalnizcam Gecidi (2650m) to the east of
Ardanuc. It should be noted that the passes over the divide are normally
not open until July. In view of the problems associated with local weather
conditions, spring is probably the best time to census Caucasian Black
j UN
I thank OSME for financial support which helped to make this survey possible,
Mark Cocker for very useful advice and a good map of the area and Tekin
Kiiciiknalbant for his company and advice in the mountains. The people of
Yusufeli, Altiparmak and Yaylarlar were helpful and generous and I particularly
thank Idris for provision of mules. Owen and Alun Mountford were good
companions in the field and gave me names to apply to some of the beautiful
plants of the Kackar.
Cramp, S & Simmons, K E L (eds) (1980) The Birds of the Western Palearctic Vol
2, Oxford University Press
Davis, P H (ed) (1978) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands Vol6 Edinburgh
University Press
Dubin, M & Lucas, E (1989) Trekking in Turkey, Lonely Planet Guides
Lang, J T & Cocker, M (1992) A nest of Caucasian Blackcock (Tetrao mlokosiewiczt)
in Turkey, Sandgrouse, Vol 13, part 2, pp 102-103
Ian Green, 87 Sprowston Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 4QJ, UK.
First observations of a possible Basra
Reed Warbler in Turkey
Yves Bertault and Jean-Yves Fremont
During a birding trip to Turkey in April 1987, we observed several
species of migrant Acrocephalus and Hippolais Warblers. These included
Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Reed Warbler A scirpaceus
(notably fuscus race in Istanbul), Marsh Warbler A palustris (along
Euphrates River near Birecik), Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais pallida
(Birecik, Tasucu) and Upcher’s Warbler H languida (Tasucu, Goksu
Delta). However, the observation of an Acrocephalus warbler showing
characteristics of Basra Reed Warbler A (arundinaceus) griseldis was
exceptional, possibly being the first record for Turkey, and thus worthy
of documentation. The bird was observed on 21 April, in the late
afternoon, 10 km north-east of Kilis and 43 km S-SW of Gaziantep in
aa Turkey. It was seen mainly in bushes adjacent to an area of
Despite its elusive behaviour we were fortunate enough to obtain good
views and took the following description:
Our initial impression of the bird, as it moved around in riverside trees
was of a large Hippolais warbler. This was due to its size, elongated
silhouette, primary projection (longer than Reed Warbler), and its olive
greyish-brown coloured upperparts.
Size: intermediate between Reed Warbler and Great Reed Warbler;
perhaps closer to Reed Warbler because of its slimmer silhouette.
Plumage colouration: Upperparts; unlike Reed Warbler and Great Reed
Warbler it was without any warm tinge (yellowish or rufous), and
neither was it greyish enough for Olive-tree Warbler Hippolais olivetorum
or Upcher’s Warbler. Underparts; paler than Great Reed Warbler
(whitish to creamy white) with a buffish tinge restricted to the lower
flanks. The white throat did not show any dark streaking, eliminating the
eastern race of Great Reed A a zarudnyi. The head pattern was well
defined with a long whitish supercilium which was narrow, though
distinct, mainly in front of the eye (unlike Great Reed Warbler). The bird
showed a thin, but well-marked, blackish eye-stripe (prominent on
Bill: distinctly longer than that of Marsh or Reed Warbler and distinctly
narrower than that of Great Reed or even than Clamorous Reed Warbler
A stentoreus. The bill colour was yellowish-horn.
Wings: a long winged bird (primary projection almost equal with tertial
length), which eliminates Great Reed and Clamorous Reed. The colour
of the wings was darker than upperparts, without any pale fringes to the
primaries or secondaries (ie. no panel).
Legs: Although the colour of the legs was not well seen, we are sure they
were not pale (neither yellowish, nor flesh, or pinkish).
Tail: no particular note about the tail was taken, although the bird did not
show any characteristic tail movements (eg. cocking as in Blyth’s Reed
Warbler A dumetorum or waving as in Upcher’s Warbler).
Call: the bird was silent.
The bird observed in Turkey showed many of the characteristic features
of Basra Reed Warbler. However, subsequent literature published on
their identification (see British Birds Vol. 81, No.4 pages 171-178 and
Dutch Birding Vol. 14, No.2 pages 41-48) has revealed that several other
features that are of paramount importance in their identification were
not observed. Briefly, these include:
1 Theshapeand colouration of the tail; Basra Reed Warbler should show
a dark square ended tail
2 The grey leg colour that Basra Reed Warbler normally shows.
3 The description of the narrow bill does not necessarily rule out the
western race of Clamorous Reed warbler A s stentoreus, although the
primary projection does.
It is likely that the bird observed in Turkey was a Basra Reed Warbler
however our field notes were not adequate to prove this beyond all
doubt. Visitors to south-eastern Turkey should however be aware of the
possible occurrence of this species. It is also worth noting that a Basra
Reed Warbler was trapped in Eilat, Israel, in the spring of 1993, suggesting
that some birds may migrate up the western side of Arabia. Although
tentative this may add weight to the likelihood of Basra Reed Warbler
occurring as a spring over-shoot in Turkey.
Yves Bertault and Jean-Yves Fremont, 58, rue Laugier, 75017 Paris, France.
A record of a possible Swinhoe’s
Petrel in the Arabian Sea
A P Benson
During the summer of 1989 I was serving on board HM ships on Armilla
Patrol in the Middle East. Whilst on this deployment we crossed the
Arabian Sea several times but in mid-June we did so during unseasonably
bad weather.
The 13 and 14 June we were at a position of 15° 48' N , 53° 59.5' E approx
60m off the Omani south coast. The weather was overcast and windy
with a south-westerly wind of force 5-6. During this period I saw good
numbers of Jouanin’s Petrels Bulweria fallax and a scattering of Masked
Boobies Sula dactylatra. The highlight though came in the form of two
Black-bellied Petrels Fregetta tropica seen on 14th.
The 15 June was pleasingly calm and bright with a light north-westerly
breeze and a pleasant 30° sea temperature... The sea-state had calmed
considerably. Our mid-day position showed that we were approximately
40km NE of Ra’s Al Hadd, Oman. Jouanin’s Petrels were still in
abundance along with increasing numbers of Wilson’s Storm-Petrels
Oceanites oceanicus. Singles were constantly going past and groups of up
to six could be seen in feeding parties.
Then up ahead and directly in the ships path, a party of 30+ birds could
be seen sitting on the calmsea. As the ship approached, the flock took to
the wing leisurely ‘scuttling’ from the path of the ship. It was at this point
that I noticed an all dark ‘storm petrel’ fly from the flock in a fast
deliberate flight. Mentally taking notes on the bird I watched it on the
wing through fixed position 30 x 75 Swarovski binoculars until it was out
of range. I then took the following notes.
Jizz and Shape: seen in direct comparison with Wilson’s it was noted to
be approximately 1/3 larger than the former with proportionately longer,
more pointed wings and sharply angled carpals. The tail was longer in
appearance than Wilson’s giving the bird an almost ‘swift’ Apus like
appearance. No fork in the tail was noted.
The bird's flight was fast and direct, low over the water with occasional
short glides, lacking Wilson’s rather indifferent fluttering flight.
Plumage: Compared with Wilson’s rather blackish plumage, the bird
was distinctly dark brown with primaries not appearing darker than the
rest of the wing. Paler coverts formed an indistinct wing bar which was
noted as being as prominent as some of the duller Wilson’s. The rump
showed no contrast with the tail or the rest of upperparts being the same
dark brown colour. No other markings were present.
I immediately referred to my two seabird guides onboard (Seabirds an
identification guide, Harrison and the Photographic guide, (Harrison).
After eliminating several species of dark rumped storm petrels on the
basis of my geographical position I considered the three most likely
species : Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerit, Matsudaira's Petrel Oceanodroma
matsudairae and Swinhoe’s Petrel O. monorhis.
Although Bulwer’s Petrel’s main breeding areas in the North Pacific are
from China through to the Marquessa Island, it has recently been
suggested that individuals from the East China Sea colonies disperse
west into the Indian Ocean (Harrison 1983) and therefore possibly into
Arabian Waters. Appearing wholly sooty-brown at sea, Bulwer’s also
shows pale upperwing coverts forming a wing bar and could possibly be
confused with a dark-rumped storm petrel if seen alone. Alongside
Wilson’s however, the rather long pointed tail, long wings and the
general appearance ie more like a dark gadfly petrel rule out this species.
Matsudaira’s Storm-Petrel breeds only on Volcano Island south of Japan
buthas proved to behighly migratory moving westwards to winter in the
western Indian Ocean seas off the Seychelles, Kenya and Somalia (Bailey
1968). Although a true storm—petrel, Matsudaira’s is one of the largest
with a wingspan of 56cm (compared to 40cm of Wilson’s, Harrison 1987).
Again a solitary bird at sea would cause problems when size would be
hard to define. However, Matsudairas should show a pale upper
wingbar with a rather distinct white ‘skua’ type flash formed by white
bases to the outermost primaries. This feature may of course vary on
individuals and perhaps during moult.
Swinhoe’s Petrel breeds on islands off Japan, southern and western
Korea and China (Yellow Sea). Like Matsudaira’s, Swinhoe’s Petrel also
moves west from the Pacific into the Indian Ocean. Itis interesting to note
that these two species are thought to be the only sea-birds to make this
bi-oceanal migration (Bailey 1969). Although its range is not fully known
Swinhoe’s has been recorded north to Eilat, at the head of the Red Sea,
and west to seas off Cape Guardafuc, Somalia (Bailey 1968). Taxonomy
of this species is complex, with some authorities regarding it as a sub-
species of Leach’s Petrel O /eucorhoa. Furthermore the recent discovery
of ‘dark rumped Storm-Petrels’ being caught in the North Atlantic
initially claimed as Swinhoe’s have been suggested to be a new species
for the world (Sea Swallow 40:63).
Uniformly dark brown with a wingspan of 45cm, Swinhoe’s is slightly
larger than Wilson’s but is slimmer with longer thinner wings and a
longer tail. It is one of the smallest ‘dark rumps’ to occur. It has a pale
covert bar across the upperwing which is less pronounced than on most
other ‘darkrumps’. (Itis noted that birds thathave been caught have pale
bases to the primaries but these are not apparent in the field, although
from photographs the North Atlantic birds do seem to have a more
prominent forewing patch).
After thoroughly soaking up the literature I felt that this bird could not
be identified to species level beyond doubt. It is likely that the bird was
either a Matsudaira’s or Swinhoe’s Petrel. The size of the bird points
towards Matsudaira’s whereas the lack of pale base to the primaries
points towards Swinhoe’s Petrel (although Swinhoe’s can sometimes
show this feature). There are very few records of either species from
Arabian waters and this may well be the first documented sighting for
the area. The prospect of future records of Swinhoe’s, Matsudaira’s and
the other species must surely be possible for any pelagic minded
ornithologist lucky enough to find himself in the rich waters of the North
Indian Ocean or Arabian Sea in the northern summer.
Bailey, Pocklington and Willis (1968) Storm petrels in the Indian Ocean Ibis 110:
Bourne, Dr W R P (1991) Dark rumped storm petrels in the North Atlantic sea
shallow 40:63.
Harrison, P (1983) Seabirds an identification guide Croom Helm.
Harrison, P (1987) A Field Guide to Seabirds of the World The Stephen Greene press
(Christoper Helm).
A P Benson, Wellhouse, Oldturnpike Road, Roughton, Norfolk, LIK.
Rock art sites depicting the Ostrich
in the Central Hijaz, Saudi Arabia
Brian S. Meadows & Desmond Stewart
The Ostrich Struthio camelus syriacus has become extinct in the Arabian
peninsula during the present century. There is limited information on its
former distributionand abundance within the peninsula. However, rock
art can give an indication of past distribution or, at least, local knowledge
of the species.
In Saudi Arabia the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums in
the Ministry of Education recently carried out a synoptic survey of rock
artsites in the Kingdom that should proveavaluablesource of information
(al Kabawi et al, 1989). In addition the authors, during extensive travel
in the central Hijaz from a base at Yanbu, have located eleven rock art
centres (most of these include several actual sites) and several of these
were apparently overlooked by the survey. Eight out of the eleven
centres depict drawings that represent ostriches (Table 1).
Location of rock art centres depicting ostriches
Wadi Farrah 24° 35’N 38° 25’Eto
24° 40’N 38° 30’°E
Wadi Rakhu 24° 40’N 38° 00’Eto
24° 45’N 38° =30’E
Wadi Abath 24° 30’N 38° ee E
Wadi Khalsah 242," 25’N 382) Gore
(near Al Biqa)
Jebel Figrah 24° 20’N 392—) 00CE
Wadi Quhah 23e eZ 0AN 390 lode
Harrat east 24°. 55’N 45'E
Um Lajj
Jadidhah 23° 45/N 45’E
(Medina Road near Badr)
Habitat: Seven of these rock art centres are in wadis, which are lightly wooded
with acacias, of the piedmont zone of the Tihama. The wadi areas would
probably have been similar to those used today by Ostriches living on the
southern edge of the Sahara (Cramp & Simmons, 1977). One centre, however, is
at a height of 2000m on the plateau of Jebel Figrah. The vegetation of the jebel is
relatively verdant and includes Juniperus phoenicea, Commiphora spp and a rich
ground flora, including thistles; euphorbia’s and figs grow on the lower slopes.
A sketch depicts a presumed hunting scene with Ostrich, ibexes and a dog.
Possibly hunting involved driving animals over the high cliffs of the area. The
presence of Ostriches in rock art on the mountain must raise the possibility that
Ostriches formerly migrated up the mountain slopes during the dry season.
Passage of birds through wadis would have been possible.
Age: Rock art, using the pecking technique, as is the case in all central Hijaz sites,
dates back to the Neolithic period. However, most of the drawings, particularly
at the most prolific centres of Wadi Farrah and Wadi Rakhu, which are associated
with Thurmadic script, are clearly Iron Age. A post-Neolithic date is also
indicated by the absence of bovids, which disappear from more recent artwork,
and by the abundance of camels, ibexes and Ostriches accompanied by stick
figures and horse riders holding spears. The Badr site along the Madinah road
is the only site, close to Yanbu, where bovids have so far been found. The
appearance of camels and larger numbers of Ostriches could have been the result
of a change to a more arid climate during the intervening Bronze Age.
References |
al-Kabawi, A, Khan, M, Mubarak, A, al-Tami, M. al-Ubald, S. & al-Subhan, I,
(1989). Preliminary Report on the fourth season of comprehensive rock art and
epigraphic survey of northern Saudi Arabia. Aftlal 12: 41-51.
Cramp, S & Simmons, K E L (eds) (1977). The Birds of the Western Palearctic Vol
1. Oxford.
Brian S Meadows, 9 Old Hall Lane, Walton-on-Naze, Essex, CO14 8LE, UK.
Desmond Stewart, 31 Yarmouth Drive, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23
92S, UK.
Description of Nest of
IJ A Brown
-—, fe
On 26 March 1992, Bill Simpson and I
were birdwatching in Wadi Hinna in the
Dhofar Province of the Sultanate of Oman,
square UB11. We heard an unusual call which
I identified as Golden-winged Grosbeak Rhyncostruthus
socotranus. We sighted a pair of birds in a tree and watched
one descend to a smaller tree where it disappeared. Knowing that the
species had been identified as having bred in the area the previous year,
we proceeded towards the tree and saw the tail of the bird protruding
from a fork near the top. There appeared to be a nest there and we
obtained some not very good photographs of the bird’s head protruding
from the other side of the tree. It was obviously sitting on a nest.
A couple of weeks later, I was birdwatching in another area when I
encountered Michael Gallagher, Hilary Fry and John Ash (the latter
being in Oman on a project). JSA was looking for suitable areas for his
project, and mentioned that they were interested in visiting Wadi Hinna.
When I mentioned that BS & I had seen the nest site of the Grosbeak, HF
(who had reported the breeding the previous year) mentioned that the
nest of this species had never been described. Hoping that I could
remember where BS & I had seen the nest, we set off for the Wadi.
The relevant tree was identified and the nest appeared to be unoccupied.
As the tree did not appear very robust and was leaning at an angle, MDG
(as the lightest in the party) was persuaded to ascend the tree. From his
precarious perch, he confirmed the nest appeared to be abandoned, and
proceeded to describe it roughly:- cup 1.5" deep, cup 2.5" dia., overall
depth of nest 5", height ag] approx 12’.
MDG then attempted to remove the nest, and this was completed very
successfully. Once on the ground the nest was photographed and more
accurate measurements taken:- outer dia. 9 x 12 cm, overall depth 7cm,
cup depth 4cm, cup dia. 5cm..
The nest consisted of a cup of twigs and fine dead grass on a basal
platform of dead twigs. There were obvious signs of it having been
occupied by large young. It was sited in a three pronged fork in an
Anogeissus dhofarica tree on a hillside of mixed vegetation quite close to
a permanent water supply.
The nest was taken to the Natural History Museum in Muscat by MDG
for display.
IJ A Brown, Airwork Ltd, PO Box 18929, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman
Iragi Marshes doomed
Mike Evans
Themarshes of southern Iraq are one of the most outstandingly important
wetlands for birds in western Eurasia. Several million waterfowl from
the Russian taiga are thought to winter in the 15,000-20,000 km? of
shallow, permanent lakes, reedbeds and seasonally inundated floodplains
which are fed by the River Euphrates and River Tigris. The marshes
support large proportions of the world populations of six globally
threatened species (Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, Pygmy
Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmaeus, Marbled Duck Marmaronetta
angustirostris, White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla, Imperial Eagle Aquila
heliaca and Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenutrostris), as well as
internationally important numbers of at least 71 other waterfowl and
raptor species.
In addition the marshes are a globally important centre of wetland
biodiversity: bird-wise, they contain two endemic species (Basra Reed
Warbler Acrocephalus griseldis and Iraq Babbler Turdoides altirostris), two
endemic subspecies (Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis and African Darter
Anhinga rufa) and two relict Afrotropical species (Goliath Heron Ardea
- goliathand Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus), enough for the marshes to
qualify as one of the 221 most important bird biodiversity ‘hotspots’
globally (Endemic Bird Areas, or EBAs). The southern Irag marshes are
one of only 12 wetland EBAs identified worldwide; their importance for
bird biodiversity is mirrored by their importance for other groups, for
instance, the marshes are the only home to a subspecies of the globally
threatened Smooth-coated Otter Lutra persricillata. The marshes are also
economically important, supplying up to one million wildfowl and
36,000 tonnes of fish per year for markets in southern Iraq.
The vast and apparently untamable wilderness of the marshes is now
suddenly proving to bea dangerous illusion. A range of Iraqi government
hydrological projects, whose development slowed down during two
Gulf Wars, have suddenly been completed in the last one-and-a-half
years and are now very rapidly destroying the marshes. The Iraqi
government says the schemes are for agricultural improvement, but they
are widely viewed in the West as an attempt to destroy the refuge that the
marshes represent to the independent, indigenous Ma’dan or “Marsh
Arab’ people and to groups opposing the government. Virtually the
entire River Eupharates has been diverted away from the marshes into
a huge man-made canal, the ‘Third River’, which discharges directly into
the Gulf. Together with other major canalisation and drainage projects
associated with the River Tigris (Anfal 3 canal, etc), and the building of
high embankments along both rivers, these measures are said to have
prevented water from entering up to two-thirds of the marshes during
1992/1993, and satellite images show large areas drying up. In spring
1993, it was reported that dykes were being built to split the marshes into
compartments and so encourage the drying process further. By summer
1993, reports indicated that the whole of the Central Marshes, between
the two rivers, was dry.
Thedrainage of marshes for agricultural land and the increasing utilisation
of the waters of the Tigris and the Euphrates for irrigation in Turkey,
Syria and northern and central Iraq have already caused considerable
loss of wetland habitat in lower Iraq. It seems likely that the current
drainage of the main permanent freshwater lakes and reedbeds of the
marshlands will go ahead towards completion. An independent study
of the likely environmental impact is currently being undertaken by the
wetland Ecosystems Research Group of the University of Exeter (UK): so
far, the evidence indicates that the drainage of the marshes will constitute
an ecological catastrophe of unprecedented proportions in western
Eurasia in recent times.
Further information on thehuman and environmental situation in the marshlands
of southern Iraq can be obtained by writing to: The AMAR Appeal, c/o Emma
Nicholson MP, House of Commons, London, SW1 O0AA, UK.
Mike Evans, BirdLife International, Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge
CB3 0NA, UK.
Crop Contents of a Spotted
Hew D V Prendergast
This note reports on the crop contents, mostly seeds, of a Spotted
Sandgrouse Pterocles senegallus shot between 07.30 and 08.30hrs on 9
April 1968 at Buraimi, United Arab Emirates (24° 13' N,55°47' E) by Major
W Stanford. 29
Sandgrouse are specialists of arid regions. In the Western Palearctic and
Middle East most of these regions have a well-recognised botanical
uniformity placing them in the Saharo-Sindian regional zone of White
and Léonard (1991) which stretches continuously from the Atlantic
seaboard of the Sahara to the Thar Desert of India. Itis scarcely surprising
therefore, that many of the plant species (and, even more so, the genera
and families) recorded by Cramp (1985) as dietary items of sandgrouse
in these regions have a certain similarity. The crop contents reported here
are no exception, although for P senegallus in particular there are few
precise data and none pertaining to the plant species recorded here
(Cramp 1985).
Seeds of three species, Emex spinosus, Tephrosia purpurea and Asphodelus
tenutfolius (= A.fistulosus), accounted for >95% by weight of the crop
contents of this bird (Table 1). Although Cramp (1985) mentions several
members of the Polygonaceae (eg Fagophyrum and Polygnum spp) as food
items of sandgrouse, surprisingly no record is indicated for the widely
distributed E spinosus. Tephrosia spp are commonly recorded however,
especially T apollinea, as is A tenuifolius. Chenopod and grass ‘seeds’,
minor items here, are also commonly recorded by Cramp (1985). The
only identifiable plant fragments were of a species of Tribulus, a genus
particularly prominent in arid zones. One roundish stone, c.2mm in
diameter, was also found. )
For the seven species of sandgrouse in the Western Palearctic (and
Middle East) food is listed by Cramp (1985) as “mostly seeds” (three
species), “mainly seeds” (two species) and “primarily” or “predominantly
seeds” (one species each). Since seed production in arid regions is
especially rain dependent, and as rainfall itself can be highly variable in
both spaceand time, it may not initially be surprising that sandgrouse are
nomadic in order to exploit the best ‘pastures’. Seeds, however, do not
disappear, as any green and rain-fed desert will testify, although they
may well become more difficult to find the longer the season of seed
production has passed. In arid regions especially, seeds are capable of
withstanding many years of desiccation (down to only a few percent
moisture content) until the right conditions for germination appear.
Could it be the desiccation state of seeds that is important to sandgrouse?
If older, very dry seeds are harder to digest than fresher ones. Could
nomadism be more the result of seed age than seed abundance? Anyone
who has a chance to examine the crop contents of a sandgrouse could
easily find out seed age by weighing seeds as quickly as possible, drying
them out (see Table 1) and then reweighing them to calculate their
moisture content.
Table 1
Crop contents of a Spotted Sandgrouse
| Species Family’ Seed Other We
No. (gm)
| Emex spinosus Polygonaceae 204 1.23275
Tephrosia purpurea Leguminosae- 91 1.08479
Asphodelus Asphodelaceae 109 0.13889
| Atriplex sp. Chenopodiaceae 6 0.02216
Chenopod spp. Chenopodiaceae 10 0.02043
Chenopodium sp. Chenopodiaceae 20 0.00865
Enneapogon sp. Gramineae 14 0.00538
Unidentified seeds plant 0.06479
| and plant fragments , fragments
Tribulus sp. Zygophyllaceae 6 leaves 0.00282
Total 2.58066
1 Family names follow Brummitt (1992)
2 Seeds, leaves and plant fragments were oven-dried at 108°C for 24 hours before
Thanks are due to Prof. L Boulos (Kuwait University) and Dr T Cope, AR
Radcliffe-Smith and C C Townsend (all Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) for help
with identifying seeds, and to Lt. Col. W Stanford who forwarded them.
Brummitt, R K (comp) (1992). Vascular plant families and genera Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew.
Cramp, S (ed.) (1985) The Birds of the Western Palearctic, VolIV Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
White, F and Léonard, J (1991). Phytogeographical links between Africa and
southwest Asia. Third Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium. Flora et
Vegetatio Mundi IX: 229-246.
Hew D V Prendergast, Acorn Cottage, Twyford, Horsted Keynes, Haywards
Heath, West Sussex RH17 7DH, UK.
Fifteenth OSME AGM - Retiring Council members
This year’s AGM saw major changes on Council, with3 members retiring
after completing 5 years service and 4 others standing-down early due to
pressure of work.
It is customary for the Chairman to write a paragraph on each of the
retiring members but, because of the number this year and limitations of
space, I have restricted myself to just a few lines. This in no way reflects
a lack of gratitude as all of them have, in their own way, made significant
contributions to the running of the Society.
Mark Andrews, Publicity Officer from 1988; through his wide range of
birding contacts, Mark introduced OSME to a new section of the
birdwatching fraternity. His artistic talents have been used to good
effect in revamping the OSME displays and have frequently appeared
in the Bulletin. }
Major David Counsell, Treasurer from 1988; with his military training,
David helped bring order to much of the financial running of the
Society. His knowledge of the region and numerous acquaintances in
the ornithological societies of the Armed Forces proved valuable on
many occasions.
Hilary Welch, Secretary (1988-91) and Librarian; brought to OSME an
attention to detail and organisational skill it will be difficult to replace
- a combination that ensured standards were always high. Through
Hilary, even closer links were formed with DHKD in Turkey and her
professional training as a graphic designer was used extensively when
OSME upgraded its journals and letterhead.
Mark Boyd, Bulletin Editor (1989-93); continued the trend of increasing
the quality and content of the Bulletin observed over the years and
introduced new features such as Around the Region. His editorial
skills and astute comments at Council meetings will be hard to replace.
Richard Grimmett provided OSME with an important link with ICBP
(now BirdLife International) and thanks to his intimate knowledge of
Turkey, OSME was better able to direct its efforts in that country.
Richard’s co-authorship of the European Important Bird Areas book
enabled him to provide valuable assistance with the current Middle
East IBA project.
Peter Heathcote, assumed the role of Secretary in 1991 having joined
Council the previous year. His affable nature and relaxed style belied
an underlying efficiency vital for fulfilling the role. This efficiency was
never better demonstrated than at AGMs which were always well
organised and smoothly run. I would like to take this opportunity also
to thank Peter’s wife, Pauline, for her assistance with the organisation
of AGMs.
Tom Nightingale, by hisown admission nota committee person, provided
OSME with a close link with the region, joining Council just after
having returned to Britain from Bahrain. Although often quiet at
meetings, Tom’s comments were always pertinent and succinct.
Whilst OSME depends on the time and committment of its elected
Council, the Society is also very reliant on the work of its co-opted
members. Therefore I would like to make special mention of Chris
Tucker who also left Council after serving as Membership Secretary
from 1991having previously been Postal Clerk. Membership Secretary is
one of the most crucial jobs in any society as it provides the vital point of
contact with the membership. Chris fulfilled this roleadmirably, not only
maintaining the membership files but organising journal mailings and
dealing witha wide range of enquiries about the Society, as wellas typing
up articles for the Bulletin.
To all of the above, I express my sincere thanks for their support and
company during their time on Council and wish them well for the future.
Geoff Welch
OSME at the British Birdwatching Fair
For the fourth year running, OSME had a stand at the Bird Fair and
attracted a lot of interest, not least because of an Arabian Breeding Bird
photographic quiz compiled by Mike Jennings. This was rapidly dubbed
the Most Difficult Quiz of the Fair! For those brave enough to have
entered, the nine species depicted were as follows:
1 Spoonbill - close examination of the chick’s bill tip revealed a globular
lump, the start of the characteristic ‘spoon’.
2 Osprey - although very young, the chick photographed already showed the
distinctive black and white head patterning. Everyone got this one.
3 Grey Francolin - a hard one! Only one person got this right.
4 Houbara - bustard eggs are distinctively oval and are laid directly on the
ground. The northern Arabia locality ruled out Arabian Bustard.
5 Spur-winged Plover - a difficult one. The chick showed the dark cap
of the adult.
6 Eagle Owl - many birds lay white eggs and make no nest (see Houbara!).
Without any scale reference, this one was difficult.
7 Red-rumped Swallow - the bottle-shaped nest is characteristic of the
species, though nests are sometimes reused by Little Swift.
8 Nile Valley Sunbird - the nest is distinguished by being loosely constructed
of wool and other light fibres.
9 Arabian Golden Sparrow - the black stick nests, sometimes built on top of
each other in thorn trees, are very distinctive. But obviously not to those who
entered the competition as no-one got it right!
Sixteenth Annual General Meeting - a date for your diary
Next year’s AGM will be held on Saturday 9 July in London. Further
details will appear in Bulletin 32.
Request for information : Birds of the Serengeti
The birds of the Serengeti National Park Tanzania, BOU Checklist No. 5
by Dieter Schmid] will soon be out of print and the author is revising the
data for anew printing. Please send Serengeti records to Dieter Schmid,
Max-Planck-Institut, D-82319 Seewiesen, Post Starnberg, FRG. Any
records will be gratefully received and acknowledged.
News and Information
Birds of the Western Palearctic - a
note of gratitude to contributors.
Preparation of the 8th and last volume
of the Handbook (or BWP as it is more
affectionately known) isnow complete,
and publication is scheduled for 1994.
The Editors would like to express their
deep appreciation for the help and
support generously given over many
years by _ ornithologists and
birdwatchers not only throughout
Europe, but also in Russia (including
beyond the Urals) and other republics
of the former USSR, many countries in
the Middle East, Africa, India and
- Pakistan, Japan, Australia, New
Zealand, and North America. Bringing
this great project to fruition has beenan
immense privilege and pleasure, but
we could not have done it without
your help. Thank you very much.
BWP Editors
21st World Conference of the
International Council for Bird
“Global Partnership for Bird
Conservation’ will be held in
Rosenheim, Germany from 12-18
August 1994. For further details and
registration forms, please contact the
local organisers: Bayer. Akademie fiir
Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege
(ANL), ICBP World Conference,
Postfach 1261, D-8229 Laufen/Salzach,
Germany (tel: +49 8682 7097, fax: +49
8682 1560)
The Whitley Award for Animal
This new, annual award, established
by the Whitley Animal Protection Trust
and the Royal Geographical Society, is
aimed at supporting multi-discij f nary
teams whose projects make a practical,
lasting and substantial contribution to
the protection and conservation of
animals in their habitat.
Applications are open to British
conservationists working in Britain or
overseas. Witha value of up to£15,000,
the award is intended to coverthe major
costs ofa project, enabling it to proceed
without waiting to secure additional
funding. For more information, contact
The Whitley Award, Royal
Geographical Society, 1 Kensington
Gore, London SW7 2AR (tel: 071 589
To celebrate 40 years of nature and
environmental protection, the Society
for the Protection of Nature in Israel
(SPNID) is organising a series of events
in Israel in Spring 1994:
20 to 24 March: The role of Non
Governmental Organisations in
protecting the environment - an
international conference
25 March to 10 April: The SPNI Annual
International Seminar on
Environmental Education,
Conservation and Public Action
13 to 25 March: Migrating, wintering
and breeding birds as a subject for
protection, research and public
education - an international seminar
20 to 24 March: International Bird
Festival in Elat
3 to 7 April: Scientific Conference on
Bird Migration }
21 and 28 March: Paul Winter’s Global
Flyway Concert
28 to 31 March: Nature Trips Peace
Festival - from the Negev to Sinai
For additional information please
contact The Secretary of the 40th
anniversary’s events, SPNI’s Executive
Director’s Office, 4 Hashfela Street, Tel-
Aviv 66183, Israel.
In June and July 1993 the Regional
Activity Centre for Specially Protected
Areas, Tunisia (RAC/SPA) and the
Mediterranean Association to Save the
Sea Turtles (MEDASSET), in close
cooperation with the National Institute
of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF)
in Alexandria, surveyed the Eyyptian
coastbetween Alexandriaand El] Salum
on the Libyan border. Approximately
248 kilometres of beach suitable for
nesting turtles were found, together
with tracks of Loggerhead Turtle Caretta
caretta, the first time that nesting by
this species has been confirmed in this
part of the Mediterranean. Compared
with countries like Turkey, only
relatively low numbers of turtles were
found. Further information on the
project and copies of the interim report
on this phase of the study are available
from Max Kasparek, Bleichstr. 1,69120
Heidelberg, Germany.
Following the Gulf War a resurgence
of birdlife and vegetation in western
Kuwait has been reported with The
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists claiming
a one hundred-fold increase in bird
populations. The presence of thousands
of unexploded bombs and mines has
halted human encroachment in many
areas allowing natural vegetation to
become re-established. However, the
slowing of desertification is considered
temporary, aS munitions experts
continue to remove mines and
unexploded bombs in the area. (From
American Birds)
Since 1979 Charles Pilcher has been
Bird Recorder in Kuwait and in 1985 he
took over from the late Paul Haynes as
Country Correspondent for Birds of the
Western Palearctic. Prior to the Iraqi
invasion of Kuwait he had maintained
a database of bird records on the Faculty
of Medicine’s mainframe computer, but
the Computer Centre was stripped and
the machines taken to Iraq. Fortunately,
a few storage tapes had been smuggled
out of the Faculty early in the
Occupation and one of them contained
a section of the bird records.
Since returning to Kuwait shortly after
liberation, Charles has re-established
the computerised database. As Bird
Recorder and Chairman of the Rarities
Committee in Kuwait, he would be
glad to receive details of records from
the State after 1990. The address for
correspondence is: Professor Charles
Pilcher, Faculty of Medicine, PO Box
24923, Safat 13110, Kuwait.
African Bird Club
African Ornithology has long needed a focus for gathering
information on a continental basis and making it more accessible
to both resident and overseas birders. From January 1 1994, the
African Bird Club will perform this function and in addition will:
# foster an interest in bird conservation in the region
@ promote and work with local African societies
@ produceatwice-yearly colour bulletin, featuring identification papers
and site guides
@ encourage visits to lesser-known parts of the region
# locate and publish information on globally threatened and near-
threatened species
@ develop a Conservation Research Fund
Anyone can join. The standard membership rate is £12 per year. The ABC is also
seeking Founder Members to fund its launch and first year of operation. Founder
Membership is available as a one-off payment of £30 and includes the first year's
For a membership leaflet, please contact: The Membership Secretary, The
African Bird Club, c/o BirdLife International, Wellbrook Court, Girton Road,
Cambridge CB3 ONA, UK.
4, Reviews
del Hoyo J, Elliott A & Sargatal J (eds.) (1992) Handbook of the
Birds of the World Vol1 Lynx Edicions, Barcelona pp696
price £95.00
Just as the Birds of the Western Palearctic enters its final volume, so this new,
more ambitious tome makes its appearance. Planned to run to ten volumes and
covering all of the world’s bird species, this first volume sets a high standard
which if maintained will make this series an outstanding source of reference. The
colour photographs in themselves virtualiy justify the price and are equally
matched by the quality of the colour plates, though! must confess that found the
_ divers and grebes floating in mid-air a bit off-putting.
The first 70 or so pages are taken up with an overview of the project and a general
introduction to the Class Aves , the latter covering the general biological aspects
of birds plus short sections on classification, migration and evolution. The
remainder of volume 1 then goes on to give information on all bird families from
Ostrich to swans - a total of 541 species.
Each Family is prefaced by an introduction giving an overview with sections on
systematics, morphology, general habits, relationship with Man etc and is then
followed by the species’ accounts. As would be expected in a work of this size,
the amount of space available for these accounts is limited. However, most
species average at least a quarter of a page including a distribution map, all of
which are remarkably clear despite the size limitations. Species accounts cover
taxonomy, distribution, descriptive notes, habitat, food and feeding, breeding,
movements, status and conservation, and a bibliography. The Status sections
give global population estimates together with trends where known. Rare,
Endangered and species whose status is Insufficiently Known are highlighted
along with brief details of the conservation work required or currently underway.
Together these give a reasonable account of each species which, when coupled
with the bibliography, enables more detailed information to be tracked down
easily and quickly. .
No book is perfect but the faults | have found are all minor and mostly relate to
production rather than factual errors. The most major one is that the breeding
distribution maps for Eider and King Eider and Harlequin Duck and Common
Scoter are transposed, but I understand amended maps have been produced.
Inhis Foreword, Christoph Imboden (Director-General of BirdLife International)
says that ‘any contribution to our knowledge of birds is an additional step
towards ensuring their conservation.” This work promises to be a major
contribution and the editors are to be congratulated not only on the quality of this
first volume but for having the courage to undertake such a mammoth task. They
deserve to succeed.
Geoff Welch
Harrison, Dr David L (1992) Mammals of Arabia (2nd Edition)
price £75.00
The recent OSME Expedition to Southern Yemen and Socotra, which ran from
mid-March to mid-May 1993, was primarily directed towards the survey of the
endemic and near endemic bird species of the region. During the course of the
expedition casual records of mammal observations were also kept. The recently
published 2nd edition of Dr David L Harrison’s “Mammals of Arabia’ was used as
the main source of reference for identification and additional habitat and
ecological information.
For identification purposes the descriptions of external characters are excellent.
For example, I was able to make a positive identification from the remains of a
long dead hedgehog, Paraechinus acthiopicus, by looking at the spines alone.
For critical features of identification in the more difficult groups suchas Soricidae,
Chiroptera and Rodentia, dentition and cranial character descriptions are
supplemented by precise line drawings. This is fine for specimens in the hand,
in our case those found dead as road casualties etc or caught by live-trapping.
However, for field identification (and it must be noted that this is not always
possible) it would have been useful especially for the various genera of rats,
gerbils and mice to have an accurate line drawing of each species. Some species
are illustrated by line drawings but these are of variable quality. Photographs of
museum skins are given for some species but as is often the case when using such
material it is difficult to display clearly features useful for identification and any
idea of ‘jizz’ is totally lost. A small selection of good field photographs are
included but then this book is not attempting to be a ‘field guide’ and really does
contain an immense amount of information making it the standard reference
book for the mammalia found in the region.
The distribution maps are based on actual records of species which are plotted
individually. I prefer this method of accurate distributional display of known
range to the ‘blanket shading’ technique. Precise locality information is given in
many cases.
The ‘remarks’ section for each species covers their basic ecology and biology and
much useful information is given. It is apparent that for many species little is
known and there is still much to be learnt about these.
In short if you area resident in, or are visiting Arabia, and are seriously interested
in its mammals then this book is crucial. You must have it or be able to refer to
it, there is no other book covering this region comparable to it.
David Showler
Recently published
Four items have been received by the Library which will be of interest to OSME
Shirihai, H & Bahat, O (1992) Birdwatching in the Deserts of Israel - a guide to
birdwatching sites from Beersheba south to Eilat. For more information contact
the Israel Ornithological Center, 155 Herzl Street, Tel-Aviv 68101, Israel or the
International Birdwatching Center Eilat, PO Box 774, Eilat 88106, Israel.
Kirwan, G (1993) Birds of Turkey 9: Hotamis Marshes - the latest booklet in the
series, available from OSME (see enclosed Sales list).
Peter, H (1990) Waldrappdammerung am Euphrat -a booklet, in German, on the
Bald Ibis at Birecik in Turkey. Details from Max Kasparek, Bleichstrasse 1, 6900
Heidelberg, Germany.
Oddie, B & Moore, D (1993) A Bird watchers Guide to the Birds of Cyprus -a site
guide and checklist for the birds of Cyprus. Available from Derek Moore, c/o
Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Brooke House, The Green, Ashbocking, Nr. Ipswich,
Suffolk, IP6 9JY. Proceeds from the sale of this guide are going to the Laona
Project which aims to demonstrate the feasibility of ecologically-sound
development of the Akamas Peninsula and Laona Plateau.
yy, Around the Region
Records in Around the Region are published for interest only, and theirinclusion
does not imply acceptance by the records committee of the relevant country. To
submit records for Bulletin 32, covering the period September 93 to February 94,
please write to Around the Region, OSME, c/o The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire
SG19 2DL, UK.
Compiled by Guy Kirwan
Records refer to single individuals seen in 1993, unless otherwise stated.
Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax
pygmeus. Asprekremos Dam, until 28
April. Phasouri reedbeds, 27 April-
22 May intermittently. 1-3, Akhna
Dam, 16-21 May at least. Becoming
more regular. D Whaley.
Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus.
Pair abandoned nest with four eggs
in Paphos district. First breeding
record was in 1992. D Whaley et al.
Cream-coloured Courser Cursorits
cursor. One, then two, Paphos
lighthouse, 31 March-2 April. Akrotiri
gravel pits,17-21 April. D Whaley ct al.
Black-winged Pratincole Glarcola
nordmanni. Phasouri, 23 April.
J A Rowlands.
Oriental Pratincole Glareola
maldivarum. Phasouri, 23 April. Third
record for the Middle East and fourth
in the Western Palearctic.
J] A Rowlands.
Dotterel Charadrius morinellus. Akrotiri
salt lake, 26 March. Scarce passage
migrant. D Whaley.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus. One of
race ‘alboaxillaris’, Akrotiri gravel
Long-eared Owl Asio otus. Paphos
lighthouse, 13 April. Unusual passage
migrant. D Whaley.
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus.
Paphos lighthouse: 2, 14 March; 25
March. Lady’s Mile, 26 March. Scarce
passage migrant. D Whaley.
Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha
pits, 9 May. First record of this race.
D Whaley.
Great Black-headed Gull Larus
ichthyaetus. Paphos, 8 April. An
accidental visitor. D Whaley.
bimaculata. Up to 15, Paphos
lighthouse, early April, some
remaining until 16 April. Unusually
large numbers. R Grimmond,
D Whaley.
Lesser Short-toed Lark Calandrella
rufescens. Paphos lighthouse: 22
March; 2, 7 April. Akrotiri gravel
pits, 24 March. Very scarce and
irregular passage migrant.
R Grimmond, D Whaley.
Mourning Wheatear Oenanthe lugens.
Paphos lighthouse, 8-13 April. First
record. R Grimmond, D Whaley.
Hooded Wheatear Oenanthe monacha.
Ayia Napa Forest, May (exact date
unavailable). Male Larnaca salt lake,
12 June. Third and fourth records.
per D Whaley.
White-crowned Black Wheatear
Oenanthe leucopyga. Avagos Gorge,
30 March per D Whaley. Another,
locality unavailable, April. T | Kealy.
Cape Greco, 14 April. J Atherton, A
Tweed. Third to fifth records.
Desert Warbler Sylvia nana. Cape
Greco, 12 April. Third record. |
Atherton, A Tweed.
Pale Rock Sparrow Petronia
brachydactyla. Cape Greco, 14 April.
First record. ] Atherton, A Tweed.
Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea.
77km west of Alexandria, 26 February.
S & M Baha el Din.
Long-tailed Cormorant Phalacrocorax
africanus. Abu Simbel: 25, 18 March;
28-29 April. Third and fourth records
this century. B Bland (Sunbird), M
Ullman (SOF RES).
Lesser Flamingo Phoenicopteris minor.
Abu Simbel, 27 November 1992.
Apparently the first record for the
Western Palearctic. P A Lasscy, ] M
- Pearson, T J Willoughby.
Red Kite Milvus milvus. Two flew
north, Gebel el Zeit, 9 March. First
record for the southern Gulf of Suez.
A Grieve.
Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos
tracheliotus. Sharm el Sheikh rubbish
dump, 21 November 1992, probably
of race ‘negevensis’. S & M Baha cl
Three-banded Plover Charadrius
tricollaris. Gebel Asfar, 6-26 March at
least. First record for Egypt and the
Western Palearctic. M Ahmed, M
Elliot etal. —
Audouin’s Gull Larus audouinii.
Second-winter, Montazah,
Alexandria, 23 January-9 March.
Scarce and irregular winter visitor.
D Evans.
Common Gull Larus canus. Adult,
Suez, 12 April. Scarce winter visitor.
M Ullman (SOF RES).
Great Black-backed Gull Larus
marinus. Near adult, Lake Qarun, 28
April. Third record (cf Bull. 30 : 41).
P Carr, B Jarvis.
Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Immature,
Ras Shukheir, 28 February. Rare
visitor to the southern Gulf of Suez.
A Grieve.
African Collared Dove Streptopelia
roseogrisea. AbuSimbel,27 November
1992. PA Lassey, ] M Pearson, T J
Willoughby. 3, Sharm el Sheikh, 17
April. M Ullman (SOF RES).
Hume’s Tawny Owl Strix butleri. Two,
Wadi el Fayran, 15 April. M Ullman
Egyptian Nightjar Caprimulgus
aegypticus. Dead, Ain Sukhna, 3
March. Rarely recorded from the
Eastern Desert and Gulf of Suez areas.
A Grieve.
Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopus
syriacus. Rafah, North Sinai, 23 April.
Scarce wanderer to Sinai. S&M
Baha el Din.
Buff-bellied Pipit Anthus rubescens. 1-
2, El Fayoum, 25 March. First record
for Egypt, several recent records from
Israel (cf Bull. 30 : 44). B Bland
African Pied Wagtail Motacillaaguimp.
Abu Simbel, 29 April. Scarce and
irregular at this locality. M Ullman
Blackbird Turdus merula. Breeding
confirmed during April at Lauran,
Alexandria and Agami. Possibly
widespread breeder throughout the
north-west Delta (contra ‘Birds of
Egypt’). D Evans.
River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis.
Between Safaga and Qena, 21 March.
B Bland (Sunbird), S & M Baha el Din,
A Riad.
Goldcrest Regulus regulus. Birds from
1992 (cf Bull 30 : 42) stayed until 17
Marchat Montazah, Alexandria, max
5,15 January. D Evans.
Serin Serinus serinus. Six, in breeding
habitat at Gianacilis, north-west Delta,
19 March. Irregularly recorded and
status uncertain. D Evans.
Siskin Carduelis spinus. Birds from
1992 (cf Bull 30 : 42) stayed until 2
April, Montazah, Alexandria, max 15,
15 January. D Evans.
Schlegel’s Petrel Pterodroma incerta. A
bird possibly of this species, Eilat, 2
March. Two previous records most
recent in April 1989. L Boon.
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris
leucomelas. Gulf of Suez, Eilat, 1 May-
20 July at least, but irregular. Second
record for Israel and the Western
Palearctic, first was in 1992 (cf Bull 30
: 42). L Boon, H Shirthai et al.
Tropicbird Phaethon sp. Singles, Eilat,
19 & 27 March. L Boon, H Jannes.
Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax
pygmeus. 65 wintered at En Afegq,
Kafr Masaryk and Kfar Rupin. B
Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus.
Two, Beit She’an valley, all winter,
one later found dead. B Shai/IWRG.
Yeilow-billed Stork Mycteria tbis. Beit
She’an and Jezrrel valley areas, late
May. About ten or eleven records (cf
Kumerloeve 1984). B Shai/IWRG.
Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygna
bicolor. Eilat, 30 March. Potentially
first record, but origin unknown. C
Kirtland (Ornitholidays).
Black Vulture Aegypius monachus. 2,
southern Golan Heights area, all
winter. Rare in Israel. L Boon, B Shai/
Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax. 7 winter
count, two regular at Gan Shmuel
Kibbutz. Hafer valley. B Shai/IWRG.
Kittlitz’s Plover Charadrius percuaris.
3, Ma’agan Mikhael, all winter. Now
regular at this locality in all winters
since 1989. L N Andersen (DOF), B
Sociable Plover Chettusia gregaria. 42,
throughoutIsrael in winter, including
21, Yarkon fields, Tel Aviv. B Shai/
Herring Gull Larus argentatus. The
bird previously mentioned (Bull 30 :
43) either of the nominate race or
‘omissus’ remained until the end of
February at least. L Boon.
Cyprus Pied Wheatear Oenanthe
cypriaca. Mount Hermon, Golan
Heights, 24 March. Scarce passage
migrant. C Kirtland (Ornitholidays).
Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus
griseldis. Trapped, Eilat, 26 May. First
record for Israel per L Boon.
Comb Duck Sarkidiornis melatotos. Male
reported earlier (Bull 26 : 62) bred
with a Mallard at Razat Farm in 1992.
I Meleish.
Cotton Teal Nettapus coromandelianus.
Female, Masirah airbase, 10-11
December 1992. First record for the
island. | Bryan.
Corncrake Crex crex. Dauka, 11
September 1992. Hilf, Masirah, 30
October 1992. H & J Eriksen, CM
Greaves. |
White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis
phoenicuros. Daghmar, 12 February.
Thirteenth record. H & J Eriksen.
Watercock Gallicrex cinerea. Wadi
Darbat, 18 & 24 April, 7 & 8 May 1992.
First record. J] Ash, CH & K Fry, W
F Simpson.
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius
tenuirostris. Correction: Abb Island, 5
January 1990. Near Filim, 6 January
1990. Barr Al Hikman, 8 January
1990. Second to fourth records.
South Polar Skua Catharcta antarctica.
Rass Rassas, Masirah, 25 October 1991.
First record. J Bryan.
Koel Eudynamys scolopacea. Male,
Haramel, near Muscat, 26 May-4June
1992 per M D Gallagher et al.
White-throated Bee-eater Merops
albicollis. Two, Sultan Qaboos
University, 29 September 1989. First
record. P & R Scraton.
Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus.
Hilf, Masirah, 30-31 October 1992.
Masirah airbase, 30 January-13 March.
First and second records. | Bryan, C
M Greaves.
Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka. A
‘vittata’, Hilf, Masirah, 20-22 February
1992. ] Bryan, C M Greaves.
Leng-tailed Shrike Lanius schach.
Masirah airbase, 31 December 1992-2
January. Third record. J Bryan.
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus.
Masirah airbase, 1-2 November 1991.
First record. ] Bryan, C M Greaves.
Wattled Starling Creatophora cineracea.
Two, Dauka, 9 September 1992. H &
] Eriksen.
Common Mynah Acridotheres tristis.
At least 55, Al Hail, 20 November
1992. Largest ever flock in Oman. H
& | Eriksen.
Grey-necked Bunting Emberiza
buchannani. Hilf, Masirah, 23 October-
2 November 1991. First record. |
Bryan, C M Greaves.
Palm Dove Streptopelia senegalensis.
Abundant, farm 30km west of Doha,
31 May. Firstrecord away from towns.
B & H Nation.
Namaqua Dove Oena capensis. Male,
unnamed locality, 16 April. A. Hooper,
B. & H. Nation. Doha: two, 16 June,
male, 18-20 June. M Fearn. Third and
fourth records, but see recent increase
in Bahrain.
Dunn’s Lark Eremalaudadunni. 3,north
of Ghanlya, 16 March. First record,
previous records now rejected. J C
Long-billed Pipit Anthus similis. 2,
Mukainas lake and Ras Abrouk, 21-
26 March. First record, previous
records now rejected. J & C Oldfield.
Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris.
Mamoura date farm: 2, 4 March; one,
5 March. First confirmed records, but
not unexpected. J & C Oldfield.
Cinereous Bunting Emberiza cineracea.
Ras Abrouk, 24 March. First
confirmed record per J Oldfield.
Greylag Goose Anser anser. King
Abdulaziz airbase. Dhahran, 13
February, of the race ‘rubirostris’.
Uncommon winter visitor. G Ramsay.
Black Vulture Aegypius monachus.
Three, northern part of Eastern’
Province, early February. M Jennings.
Great Black-headed Gull Larus
ichthyaetus. Over 100, Al Khobar,
January-March, max 120, 18 February.
G Ramsay.
Roseate Tern Sterna dougalli. Karan,
North-Eastern Province, 12-15 July.
P Symens.
White-breasted Kingfisher. Halcyon
smyrnensis. Yanbu al-Sinaiyah, 6
April. First record for western Arabia
per I Vickors.
CAAA 0086
Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha
bimaculata. Nested Karan, North-
Eastern Province, July. First breeding
record for Saudi Arabia. P Symens.
Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris.
Nest with three young, Wadi Rabigh,
23 July. First proven breeding in
central Hejaz. B Meadows.
Dusky Thrush Turdus naumanni.
Adult, Al Qatif, Eastern Province, 10
February. Second record for Saudi
Arabia. P Symens.
Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus.
Two, Dafi Park, Jubail, Eastern
Province, 14 February. P Symens.
Pale Rock Sparrow Petronia
brachydactyla. 120, Wadi Rabigh, 5
March. B Meadows.
Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auritus.
Kizilirmak Delta, 6 March. Second
record since 1972. S Baris, S & B
Demircan, S Ofluoglu.
White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus. 23 White-headed Duck Oxyura
nests, Eregli marshes, 16-17 June. leucocephal.3 males, Yesilirmak Delta,
Bred again at Seyfe Golui this year. G late May. First record froma potential
Magnin, M Yarar. breeding area. S Demircan,5, Akkaya
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber. Golu, near Sultan marshes, 7 June. M
c600 pairs, Camalti Tuzlasi, June. M —_— Davies. Probably breeding, the first
Siki. c300 pairs, Eregli Marshes, 16- such record from a dam lake. 417,
17June. Bred again atSeyfeGolii. G _ Kizilirmak Delta, 20 February. S Baris,
Magnin, M Yarar. S Démircan.
Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus.
Several thousand, several areas in
north-western Turkey, 22-23 May.
Unprecedented passage numbers. G
—_——- +.
==, ZA BG
a ME
_—_— ft Lt WY
Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus. American Golden Plover Pluvialis
51, Burdur Golu, late February atleast. dominica. Goksu Delta, 15 May.
Fourth record. A Green, M Yarar et al. Second record, first was in 1981. G
Bean Goose Anser fabilis. Goksu Delta, = Kirwan.
February. Details awaited. Veryrare Knot Calidris canutus. Ahlat, 20 May.
winter visitor. DHKD. M Davies, G Kirwan. Kizilirmak
Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser Delta, 29 May. S Baris, S Demircan,
erythropus. Goksu Delta, February. G Kirwan.
Fewer than five previous records. Slender-billed Curlew Numenius
DHKD. tenuirostris. Kulu Golu, 12 May.
Scaup Aythya marila. 22, Kizilirmak Regarded as a possible only, last
Delta, 20 February. S Baris,S_ | Turkish record was in August 1986. J
Demircan. Glover, C Skinner. |
Common Scoter Melanitta nigra. 3 Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus. |
females, Kizilirmak Delta,18October — Fairly common, Camlihemsin, April- |
1992. Very rare winter visitor. S May. | Faldborg. Recorded, Saluklu |
Baris, S Demircan. Golu, May. G Magnin, M Yarar. |
Between Alacam and Kizlan, 29 May.
G Kirwan. All are néW localities
indicating that this species is rather
more widespread and common than
previously thought.
Finsch’s Wheatear Oenanthe finschit.
Male, Boz Dagi, mid May. Most
westerly record ever. G Magnin.
River Warbler Locustells fluviatilis. 3,
Yesilirmak Delta, 6-7June. Unusually
late for migrants, all were singing. G
Paddyfield Warbler Acrocephalus
agricola. Van marshes: 2, 21 May; 29
May. Cenge Golu, Ercek Golu area:
10: 20 & 23 May. 2, Bulanik, 29 May.
M Davies, G Kirwan, M Wheeler.
Booted Warbler Hippolais caligata.
Ercek Golu, 20 May. Third
documented record, another from
April 1993, on the Central Plateau
remains unsubmitted. M Davies, G
Kirwan. 3
Mongolian TrunipeterFinch Bicanetes
mongolicus. 6, Dogubayazit, 24 May;
some, 26 May, 3-4, 9-10 July. 2,
Tendurek Gecidi, 24 May. 3, near
Ozalp, 30 May. 3, Sogusku, near
Tendurek Gecidi, 2June. M Davies, A
Hogg, G Kirwan, M Wheeler.
All records are per C Richardson unless
otherwise stated.
Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea. 3,
Sharjah, 6 March. Rare winter visitor.
S Aspinall.
Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina.
Dubai fish farm, 28 March. Second
Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni. Wadi
Bih, 3January. Unusualin winter. 24,
Ras al Khaimah, 1 March. 93,
Hamraniyah, 3-4 April. Exceptionally
large numbers.
Merlin Falco columbarius. Abu al
Abyadh, near Abu Dhabi, 27
February-5 March. Fourth record.
Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus. Dead,
20 June. Status uncertain.
Cream-coloured Courser Cursorius
cursor. 98, Khor al Beidah, 28 May.
Record numbers.
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris. Flock
at Umm al Quwain (cf Bull 30 : 46)
may have dispersed to Murawat
Island, where, 227,22 March. Largest
ever flock in the UAEand the Arabian
Gulf. S Aspinall.
Pintail Snipe Gallinago stenura. 7,
Emirates golf course, 27 December
1992. Dubai fish farm, 20 April.
Continuing run of records from this
part of the Arabian gulf region.
Striated Scops Owl Otus brucei.
Recorded at two localities in early
April. 3,atnestsitein Rasal Khaimah,
16 June. Only recently added to the
list of breeding birds, although long
Small Skylark Alauda gulgula. 2, Khor
Dubai, 17 January. 2, Abu Dhabi, 18
March. 2, Abu al Abyadh, 26 March-
18 April. Fifth to seventh records,
that previously published as third
(Bull 30 : 47) was fourth.
Grey Hypocolius Hypocolius ampelinus.
2, Abu al Abyadh, 25 February-2
Hooded Wheatear Oenanthe monacha.
4 Jebel Hafit, 29 December 1992. Al
Ain, 16 March. Status unclear.
Green Warbler Phylloscopus
(trochiloides) nitidus Abu Dhabi, 17
April. First record of this (sub)
Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus.
Khor Kalba, 4January. Third record,
most recent was in December 1992
(Bull 30 : 47).
Dead Sea Sparrow Passer moabiticus.
Singing, Murawah Island, 22
February. Second record. Perhaps
further indication of where the Iraq/
Turkey populations spend the winter.
S Aspinall.
Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis.
6, Ras al Khaimah, 20 January. On 2
March acolonyof 200 birds was found
at this site, the only known colony in
the UAE.
Pale Rock Sparrow Petronia
brachydactyla. Over 1000,near Al Ain,
16 March. Largest flock ever in the
UAE of this poorly known species.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus
pacificus. Singles, near Sayhut, 23
April; andona pelagic trip off Sayhut,
23 April. Very few previous records.
Jouanin’s Petrel Bulweria fallax. 260,
pelagic trip off Socotra, 2 April. 188,
pelagic trip off Sayhut, 23 April.
Breeding grounds remain unknown,
although previously unrecorded in
these waters at this time. OSME.
Masked Booby Sula dactylata. Off Ras
Di'billit, Socotra, 4 April. OSME.
Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos
tracheliotus. 2, Mar’aytsprings, 1 May;
12, between Al Ghaydah and Wadi
Zawawh, 1 May. First confirmed
records and evidence that this species
is more widespread in the Arabian
Peninsula than previously realised.
White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis
phoenicurus. Adult, Wadi Hajar, 29
March. First record for Yemen.
Arabian Bustard Ardeotis arabs. 4&5
seen On consecutive days at the best
known site and another at a new
locality in the south-west. OSME
Black-winged Pratincole Glareola
nordmanni. 3, Al Qutay, 16 April.
First record for Yemen. OSME.
Knot Calidris canutus. South coast of
Socotra, 3 April. First record for the
island and second record for Yemen.
Roseate Tern Sterna dougalli. 1-2, Ras
Hebak, near Hadibu, Socotra, 6 April.
Rare in Arabian Sea area, first record
for Yemen. OSME.
African Scop’s Owl Otus senegalensis.
4 Jebal Iraf, 21 March. 2, Wadi
Yashbum, 27 March. 3, Wadi
Mararah, 27 April. Max 5,
different area of Wadi Mararah,
28 April. 2, Shahrut, 29 April.
Clarification of the species’ range in
Yemen. OSME.
Plain Nightjar Caprimulgus inornatus.
Up to 3, Jebal Iraf, 21-22 March. 2, as
sawn, 3 May. 3, Al Ghuraf,3 May. 5,
near Qatn, 4 May. Only one previous
record for Yemen. OSME.
Dunn’s Lark Eremalauda dunni. 25,
between Shabwa and Marib Dam in
possible breeding habitat, 6 May.
I should like to thank the following
fortheirhelpin compiling this review;
S Baris, Arnoud B van de Berg (Dutch
Birding), D Evans, A Grieve, Steve
Gantlett (Birding World), Rod Martins,
J] Mortemore, Bob Nation, John
Oldfield, Adam Rowlands, AJ Stones,
Magnus Ullman (SOF RES), Effie
Warr and D Whaley.
Situations Vacant
Would you like to help
with the running of OSME?
There are many roles on OSME Council where
technical skills or the ability to identify female
wheatears at 200m is not a prerequisite! What is
useful is a sense of humour, initiative, plenty of spare
time but above all a commitment to OSME. Council
meets five times a year, in London.
Regrettably Mark Boyd has had to stand down early
and we are looking for a new Editor of the Bulletin, to
start immediately. The desktop publishing is being
handled by Harry Scott at the RSPB, so the role now
consists of correspondence with authors, editing and
keeping the Bulletin to schedule. Some editorial
experience would be an advantage.
In July 1994 Duncan Brooks retires after five years as
Editor of Sandgrouse. To replace him we are seeking
someone with editorial experience and a good
knowledge of Middle Eastern ornithology. The job
currently involves the entire production of the journal,
from correspondence with authors to desktop
publishing but, as has been done with the Bulletin, the
potential exists for dividing the job into the editorial
and production processes.
We are seeking someone to assist the Publicity Officer
in raising the Society's profile and increasing contact
with members. It is envisaged that the Promotions
Assistant will be involved in arranging meetings,
promoting OSME sales, and obtaining sponsorship.
This job must be filled at next year's AGM.
If any of the above appeals to you or you feel you can
assist OSME in another way, then contact the Chair-
man, Geoff Welch (tel 072 873 298 or write c/o
OSME) for further details.
on column widths of 52mm or
CALLING ALL ARTISTS 110mm plus a broad margin to allow
for safe handling. Preferred sizes are
OSME is always looking for double these, which are then reduced
illustrations to accompany articles in during the production process. Cover
the Bulletin. Good, clear black and illustrations should be 130mm x
white illustrations - pen and ink or 130mm. All contributions should be
scraperboard - of any Middle Eastern sent to Harry Scott, c/o OSME
species are welcome. To assist the 3
editor, illustration sizes should
reflect the page layout of
the Bulletin eg be based
AN OPPORTUNITY NOT TO BE MISSED! Fale Rock Sparrow, Audubon’s
Shearwater, Jouanin’s Petrel,
Red-billed Tropicbird, Socotra
Cormorant, White-throated
Robin, Pallid Harrier, Long-
legged Buzzard, Barbary Falcon,
Led by Colin Richardson, author of Purple Sunbird, Grey Francolin,
The Birds of the United Arab Emirates Crab Plover, Lesser Sand Plover,
Broad-billed Sandpiper, Sooty
Gull, Swift Tern, White-cheeked
Tern, Saunders’ Little Tern,
Bridled Tern, Whiskered Tern,
For itinerary, bird list, costs etc Bruce’s Green Pigeon, Didric
contact: Cuckoo, Chestnut-bellied
Sandgrouse, Grey-headed
Kingfisher, White-collared
Birding expedition to
8th - 19th April 1994
Bird Watch Kingfisher, Blue-cheeked Bee-
Granville House, London Road, eater, Indian Roller, Black-
Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1DL. crowned Finch Lark, Hoopoe
Telephone: (0732) 741612 ee ae sc ae
ille ipit, Citrine agtail,
Fax: (0732) 740736 Winteeechiccked eee
N @ Blackstart, Pied Wheatear, South
% Tae Arabian Wheatear, Hooded
ABTA Wheatear, Hume’s Wheatear,
90172 Desert Warbler...
ISSN 0959-6739
Ornithological Society of the Middle East
c/o The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL, UK
The Ornithological Society of the Middle East was formed in April 1978
as a successor to the Ornithological Society of Turkey. Its aims are as
To collect, collate and publish ornithological data on the birds of
the Middle East.
To encourage an interest in and conservation of birds of the Middle
To develop a mutually beneficial working relationship with all
environmental and conservation bodies and natural history societies
in and concerned with the Middle East.
Membership is open to all and spans over 40 countries. Membership
subscriptions are: £10 individual, £15 family; airmail supplement £1.50
Europe, £3 rest of the world. Life membership £200.
Publications Sandgrouse is the Society's journal and contains scientific
papers on all aspects of the ornithology of the Middle East. The OSME
Bulletin, issued twice yearly to all members, covers all aspects of
birdwatching and conservation within the Middle East.
For further details, please write to:
The Secretary, OSME, c/o The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL,
Charitable registration number 282938.
Advertising rates: Full page £60; half page £40; quarter page £25. Inserts
from £75.
OSME in Southern Yemen and Socotra Richard Porter & Rod Martins
Turkish Bird Sites needing research during 1994 Gernant Magnin & Murat Yarar
Preliminary results from a Lesser Kestrel survey of Turkey, Spring 1993 Stephen
Parr & Murat Yarar
IBA Survey Work 1993 Guy Kirwan
Caucasian Black Grouse and Caspian Snowcock in north-east Turkey Ian Green
First observations of a possible Basra Reed Warbler in Turkey Yves Bertault &
Jean-Yves Fremont
A record of a possible Swinhoe's Storm Petrel in the Arabian Sea A P Benson
Rock art sites depicting the Ostrich in the Central Hijaz, Saudi Arabia Brian S.
Meadows & Desmond Stewart
Description of nest of Golden-winged Grosbeak I J A Brown
Iraqi Marshes doomed Mike Evans
Crop Contents of a Spotted Sandgrouse Hew D V Prendergast
News and Information
Around the Region Compiled by Guy Kirwan
OSME Situations Vacant